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203 lines
File: Pointing.h
Contains: Pointer Family Interface
Version: Technology: Copland
Release: Universal Interfaces 3.0d3 on Copland DR1
Copyright: © 1984-1996 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
Bugs?: If you find a problem with this file, send the file and version
information (from above) and the problem description to:
Internet: apple.bugs@applelink.apple.com
#ifndef __POINTING__
#define __POINTING__
#ifndef __KERNEL__
#include <Kernel.h>
#ifndef __NAMEREGISTRY__
#include <NameRegistry.h>
#ifndef __TYPES__
#include <Types.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#pragma import on
#pragma options align=mac68k
/**************** Constants ****************/
enum {
kAnyDeviceClass = 'anyp',
kMouseDeviceClass = 'mous',
kTabletDeviceClass = 'tblt',
kJoystickDeviceClass = 'joys',
kTrackballDeviceClass = 'trkb',
kTrackpadDeviceClass = 'trkp',
k3DTrackballDeviceClass = '3dtb'
enum {
kMinPTDataSize = 24
enum {
kPointerFamilyError = -1,
kPTUnknownRegEntryRef = -2,
kPTInvalidTrackerRef = -3,
kPTMemoryAllocationFailed = -4,
kPTParamErr = -5
typedef UInt16 PTDataRelation;
enum {
kAbsoluteData = 1,
kRelativeData = 2,
kAbsoluteOrRelativeData = 3
/**************** Public Data Structures ****************/
/* old name is TrackerID */
typedef struct OpaquePTTrackerRef* PTTrackerRef;
typedef unsigned long PTButtonState;
typedef PTButtonState *PTButtonStatePtr;
struct PTPosition {
signed long x;
signed long y;
signed long z;
typedef struct PTPosition PTPosition;
typedef PTPosition *PTPositionPtr;
/* old name is PointerData */
struct PTData {
AbsoluteTime sequencingTag;
PTPosition position;
PTButtonState buttons;
void * uniqueDeviceData;
typedef struct PTData PTData;
typedef PTData *PTDataPtr;
struct PTDeviceModes {
PTDataRelation relation;
void * uniqueDeviceModes;
typedef struct PTDeviceModes PTDeviceModes;
typedef PTDeviceModes *PTDeviceModesPtr;
typedef OSType PTDeviceClass;
struct PTDeviceIdentifier {
char identifier[255];
typedef struct PTDeviceIdentifier PTDeviceIdentifier;
typedef PTDeviceIdentifier *PTDeviceIdentifierPtr;
struct PTDeviceCapabilities {
PTDeviceClass deviceClass;
ByteCount dataSize;
ByteCount modeDataSize;
PTDataRelation availableDataRelations;
PTDataRelation defaultDataRelation;
long latency;
Boolean imitatesMouse;
typedef struct PTDeviceCapabilities PTDeviceCapabilities;
typedef PTDeviceCapabilities *PTDeviceCapabilitiesPtr;
struct PTPinningRectList {
short numRects; /* number of rects in list */
Rect * pinningRect; /* pointer to a list of rects*/
/* rects must be in global coordinates, in pixels*/
typedef struct PTPinningRectList PTPinningRectList;
typedef PTPinningRectList *PTPinningRectListPtr;
/**************** Client Interfaces ****************/
/* *** Getting information about Devices *** */
extern OSStatus PTGetNextDevice(RegEntryRef *currentDevice, PTDeviceClass filter, RegEntryRef **nextDevice);
extern OSStatus PTGetDeviceCapabilities(RegEntryRef *device, PTDeviceCapabilities *capabilities);
extern OSStatus PTGetDeviceIdentification(RegEntryRef *device, PTDeviceIdentifier *identification);
/* *** Setting Device Modes *** */
extern OSStatus PTGetDeviceModes(RegEntryRef *device, ByteCount offset, ByteCount numBytes, PTDeviceModes *modes);
extern OSStatus PTSetDeviceModes(RegEntryRef *device, ByteCount offset, ByteCount numBytes, PTDeviceModes *modes);
/* *** Registering with the Pointing Family *** */
The client provides a reference to device she wants a connection with,
and whether buffered and/or static data are needed. A TrackerRef is
returned, which the client must use in all future communications with
the Pointing Family. In addition, the size of the PTData structure
that the given device generates is returned.
extern OSStatus PTRegisterNewTracker(RegEntryRef *device, Boolean bufferedData, Boolean stateData, PTTrackerRef *tracker, ByteCount *dataSize);
/* *** Maintaining Trackers *** */
extern OSStatus PTSetPinningRects(PTTrackerRef tracker, PTPinningRectList *rectList);
/* *** Getting Data *** */
/* DataSize indicates the size of the buffer allocated by the client for dataPtr. */
extern OSStatus PTGetTrackerData(PTTrackerRef tracker, ByteCount dataSize, PTData *dataPtr);
extern OSStatus PTFlushTrackerBuffer(PTTrackerRef tracker);
/* *** Checking Tracker State *** */
extern OSStatus PTGetPosition(PTTrackerRef tracker, PTPosition *position);
extern OSStatus PTSetPosition(PTTrackerRef tracker, PTPosition *position);
extern OSStatus PTMovePosition(PTTrackerRef tracker, PTPosition *position);
extern OSStatus PTGetButtons(PTTrackerRef tracker, PTButtonState *buttons);
extern OSStatus PTSetButtons(PTTrackerRef tracker, PTButtonState buttons);
extern OSStatus PTGetTrackerState(PTTrackerRef tracker, ByteCount dataSize, PTData *data);
extern OSStatus PTSetTrackerState(PTTrackerRef tracker, ByteCount dataSize, PTData *data);
extern OSStatus PTGetTrackerDataByOffset(PTTrackerRef tracker, ByteCount offset, ByteCount numBytes, void *buffer);
extern OSStatus PTSetTrackerDataByOffset(PTTrackerRef tracker, ByteCount offset, ByteCount numBytes, void *buffer);
#pragma options align=reset
#pragma import off
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __POINTING__ */